Sam buses on board-between 1,95€ and 4,00€
You can check the timetables here:
Urban Routes on board - 1,95€
Interurban Route Between 1,30€ - 5,85€
You can check the timetables here:
Rodoeste buses from Funchal on board-between 1,30€ and 6,00€
You can check the timetables here:
Public Transports in Madeira Island

Where do you catch this buses?
Uber -Uber Taxi is cheaper and more secure way of travelling. All you need to do is download the app and call your ride.
Taxis: There are 21 taxis adapted for the transport of conditioned people. These vehicles are found in every taxi rank in the city of Funchal, you can contact AITRAM-291 765 760-and order a vehicle adapted to collect the passenger at a location at your request.
Going to the airport:
If you still would like to hire a wheelchair this is our options:
Renting a Car
The renting would be between 30€ from the smallest and 75€ fot the biggest one, you can check it in this website for instance:
Petrol and diesel
At the moment (28.02.20), petrol costs around €1.60 per litre, diesel €1,40 per litre and GPL €0,65 per litre.