PR16 Fajã do Rodrigues Levada Walk

The route PR16 Fajã do Rodrigues Levada Walk or Levada Fajã Ama has a length of 3.9 km, with a duration of 3:30 hours. This route begins at Ginjas in São Vicente municipality and ends in the same place, at 580 meters.

The route PR16 Fajã do Rodrigues Levada Walk or Levada Fajã Ama has a length of 3.9 km, with a duration of 3:30 hours. This route begins at Ginjas in São Vicente municipality and ends in the same place, at 580 meters.

This brought rises in the bed of the Ribeira do Inferno, which separates the lands of Seixal of São Vicente traversing ridges and through small valleys up to Rosário, irrigating the farmlands of São Vicente.
Along the way, we can observe the dense vegetation of the Madeira indigenous forest – The Laurel Forest classified as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO since December 1999.
There has also been some waterfalls and frequent water lines, which guarantee vitality to plant tree species such as Salix canariensis (Salix canariensis), the tilde (Ocotea foetens), the Vinhático (Persea indica), the puff pastry (Clethra arborea ); and scrubland as the Geranium (Geranium palmatum), the Mandon (Argyranthemum pinnatifidum), orchid (Dactylorhiza foliosa) and ranunculus (ranunculus cortusifolius).
Species of birds can be observed, such as the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs maderensis), Bis-Bis (Regulus ignicapillus maderensis), which are part of this ecosystem.

Throughout taken, the tunnels are a constant among the various passages. Among the many, long tunnels, you can enjoy the panoramic views over the valley of São Vicente.

Distance: 3,9 Km (+ 3,9 Km return)
Difficulty: Moderate
Time: 3.5 hours
Start/Finish: Ginjas / Ginjas
Highest point/Lowest point: 580 m / 580 m
Warning tips: Danger of Vertigo; Tunnels, carry a torch;



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